티스토리 뷰
오늘부터 영어 공부를 좀 다시 시작해야겠다. 너무 사용을 안 해서 혀가 굳는 건 물론이고, 이제 잘 들리지도 않는다...ㅋㅋㅋ 가끔씩 듣던 Planet money를 매일 들으며, 쉐도잉 연습도 좀 할 겸 해서 정리를 하려고 한다.
출근 전에는 스크립트를 좀 읽고, 단어를 정리한 뒤에 출근/퇴근길에 들으면서 따라 말해보는 방식으로 진행해보자.
아마 3일에 하나씩 끝내지 않을까 싶은데... 뭐, 시작이 반이다.
오늘의 에피소드: https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1197955840
단어 정리
perplex: 당황스럽게 하다.
> And the economists, they are perplexed.
stimulus check: 재난 지원금
> Claudia Sahm is an economist, used to work at the Federal Reserve, was one of the advisers for pandemic emergency programs like stimulus checks.
plummet: 곤두박질치다.
> Sentiment plummeted when the pandemic began.
recession: 경기 후퇴
> No surprise, right? Worst recession since the Great Depression.
the plot thickens: 일이 더 복잡해지다.
> But this is sort of the last moment that things really make sense. This is where the plot thickens in our economics mystery.
head for: 향하여 가다.
> and it seems pretty clear that we are not headed for the super bad, like, double-digit inflation numbers that we saw in, like, the late '70s and early '80s, for example.
frankly: 솔직히
> And frankly, I think this year, in 2023, the disconnect has become glaring because as inflation has come down, inflation back down, unemployment's still low, and people are not having any of it.
glaring: 확연한
> And frankly, I think this year, in 2023, the disconnect has become glaring because as inflation has come down, inflation back down, unemployment's still low, and people are not having any of it.
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